Meanings of Words

English Vocabulary Index

Meanings of Words for 10th October :

  1. Siskin (n) : a singing bird

  2. Sister (n) : a female born of the same parents as oneself, a hospital nurse, a nun

  3. Sister-in-law (n) : sister of one’s wife or husband

  4. Sisterly (adj.) : like a sister

  5. Sit (v) : settle, be seated, be engaged in some business brood

  6. Site (n) : a location, place to construct a building

  7. Sitting (n) : act of sitting, time during which a court is sitting continuously

  8. Situated (adj.) : placed

  9. Situation (n) : location, state of affairs, job

  10. Six (adj. & n) : half a dozen

  11. Six fold (adj.) : six times as much as

  12. Sixteen (n) : the number next to fifteen

  13. Sixteen (adj.) : sixteenth

  14. Sixty (adj) : six times ten

  15. Sixty (n) : six times ten

  16. Sizable (adj.) : of a large size

  17. Size (n) : bulk, magnitude, space taken by anything, adhesive

  18. Sizzle (v) : to make a hissing noise

  19. Skein (n) : a hank, a length of yarn coiled loosely into a bundle

  20. Skeleton (n) : a bony framework of a body, frame, outline

  21. Sketch (n) : an outline, rough drawing, a piece of writing, gist, description

  22. Skew (adj.) : not straight

  23. Skewer (n) : a pin holding meat together

  24. Ski (n) : a wooden plank attached to the feet of a skater

  25. Skid (n) : a drag on a wheel, a side slip

  26. Skiff (n) : a small light boat

  27. Skill (n) : ability to do a thing expertly and well

  28. Skill (adj.) : skilful

  29. Skim (v) : remove the cream that floats on the surface of the liquid

  30. Skin (n) : the outer covering of an animal body

  31. Skip (n) : leap or jump lightly or joyfully to Passover

  32. Skipper (n) : captain of a small ship

  33. Skirmish (n) : an irregular short fight

  34. Skirt (n) : the lower part of a garment, the outer edge or part

  35. Skirt (pl.) : border

  36. Skit (n) : a cartoon

  37. Skittish (adj.) : timid

  38. Skulk (v) : hide in fear

  39. Skull (n) : bony framework of the head

  40. Sky (n) : the heavens, climate

  41. Skyward (adv & adj.) : upwards, towards the sky

  42. Slab (n) : a plank, a thick flat piece of stone or anything

  43. Slack (adj.) : loose, relaxed, dilatory, remiss

  44. Slake (v) : add water to (lime)

Meanings of Words for 10th October :

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