Modern English Words

English Vocabulary Index

Modern English Words on 12th May :

  1. Hard (adj.) : firm, harsh, difficult

  2. Hard-earned (adj.) : got by strenuous and honest work

  3. Harden (v) : strengthen

  4. Hard-fisted (adj.) : stingy, miserly greedy

  5. Hard-hearted (adj.) : unfeeling

  6. Hardly (adv) : scarcely

  7. Hardship (n) : difficulty, oppression

  8. Hardware (n) : iron goods or wares

  9. Hardy (adj.) : brave, strong, bold

  10. Hare (n) : a small timid animal

  11. Harem (n) : seraglio

  12. Hark (v) : listern, harken

  13. Harlot (n) : a lewd woman

  14. Harm (n) : an injury, damage, mischief

  15. Harm (v) : do harm

  16. Harmful (adj.) : causing harm

  17. Harmless (adj.) : inoffensive, innocent, uninjured

  18. Harmonious (adj.) : musical, agreeing

  19. Harmony (n) : agreement

  20. Harp (n) : lyre, lute

  21. Harper (n) : minstrel

  22. Harpist (n) : minstrel

  23. Harpoon (n) : a spear for catching large fish

  24. Harpoon (v) : use the harpoon

  25. Harpy (n) : extortioner, sharper, plunderer

  26. Harrow (n) : an instrument to level up a ploughed field

  27. Harrow (v) : use the harrow, distress

  28. Harsh (adj.) : rough, cruel

  29. Hart (n) : stag

  30. Hartal (n) : closing of business as a political gesture

  31. Harvest (n) : cutting and gathering of crops

  32. Harvest (v) : gather crop

  33. Hasp (n) : clasp, catch, a hook

  34. Hassock (n) : a cushion used for kneeling

  35. Haste (n) : hurry, quickness

  36. Haste (adv.) : hastily

  37. Hasten (v) : make, quick, urge on

  38. Hasty (adj.) : quick, rash

  39. Hat (n) : a cover for the head

  40. Hatch (n) : a covering for a hole, half door

  41. Hatch (v) : produce young one from egg, plot

  42. Hatchet (n) :a small axe with a short handle

  43. Hatchway (n) : an opening in a floor

  44. Hate (v) : dislike very much

  45. Hate (adj.) : hateful

  46. Hatred (n) : ill-will. Aversion, violent, dislike

  47. Hat trick (n) : three successive victories, three wickets-out in succession

  48. Haughty (adj.) : proud

  49. Haughty (adv.) : haughtily

  50. Haughty (n) : haughtiness

  51. Haul (n) : a pull, draught

  52. Haul (v) : tug, trail

Modern English Words on 12th May :

English Vocabulary Index

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