Most Commonly Used English Words

English Vocabulary Index

Most Commonly Used English Words for 15th May :

  1. Helpful (adj.) : useful, aiding

  2. Helter-skelter (adj.) : in confusion and haste

  3. Hem (n) : border, margin, edge

  4. Hem (v) : fold and stitch

  5. Hemiptera (n) : family of sucking insects which include bugs, black flies, etc.,

  6. Hemisphere (n) : one half of a sphere

  7. Hemlock (n) : a poisonous plant

  8. Hemorrhage (n) : bleeding

  9. Haemorrhage (n) : bleeding

  10. Hemp (n) : a plant yielding fibres, (for rope), cloth from such fibres

  11. Hen (n) : a female bird

  12. Hence (adv) : from this place, time, therefore

  13. Hence (inter.) : away, begone

  14. Henceforth (adv) : in future

  15. Henceforward (adv) : in future

  16. Henchman (n) : a sincere follower

  17. Henpecked (adj.) : meekly, submissive to wife

  18. Hen roost (n) : a place where poultry rest at night

  19. Heptagon (n) : a seven-sided figure

  20. Her (pronoun) : the objective and possessive case of SHE

  21. Herald (n) : a messenger

  22. Herb (n) : plant with soft stalk

  23. Herb (adj.) : herbaceous

  24. Herbage (n) : grass, pasturage

  25. Febriferous (adj.) : full of herbs

  26. Herbivorous (adj.) : herb-eating

  27. Herculean (adj.) : dangerous toil, extremely powerful

  28. Herd (n) : a collection of animals

  29. Herd (v) : to collect a group of animals

  30. Herdsman (n) : man looking after herds

  31. Here (adv.) : in this place

  32. Hereabout (adv) : in the neighbourhood

  33. Hereafter (adv.) : in future

  34. Hereby (adv.) : by this means, very near

  35. Heresy (adv.) : schism, non-conformity

  36. Heretic (n) : sectary, dissenter

  37. Hereto (adv.) : to this

  38. Heretofore (adv.) : hither to, before

  39. Herewith (adv.) : along with this

  40. Heritage (n) : passing to a person’s heir

  41. Heritage (n) : inheritance

  42. Hermit (n) : recluse

  43. Hermetical (adj.) : air-tight

  44. Hermitage (n) : hermit’s dwelling a retreat

  45. Hero (n) : a man of bravery; main figure

  46. Hero (fem.) : heroine

  47. Heroic (adj.) : bold

  48. Heroic (adv.) : Heroically

  49. Heroism (n) : bravery, courage

  50. Heron (n) : a long-legged

  51. Hern (n) : a long-legged

Most Commonly Used English Words for 15th May :

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