Mostly Used English Words
for 20th March

English Vocabulary Index

Mostly Used English Words for 20th March :

  1. Disable (v) : make unfit, cripple

  2. Disaffection (n) : dislike, hostility, disgust

  3. Disafforest (v) : cut down trees and clear the forest

  4. Disagree (v) : think differently, be different from quarrel

  5. Disagreement (n) : difference of opinion, quarrel

  6. Disallow (v) : refuse to allow, reject

  7. Disappear (v) : go out of sight, vanish

  8. Disappoint (v) : spoil hope, make unhappy

  9. Disappointment (n) : distress resulting from frustration

  10. Disapprove (v) : regard as wrong, dislike, do not approve, reject

  11. Disarmament (n) : act of reducing military strength and equipment

  12. Disarrange (v) : undo an arrangement, put out of order

  13. Disaster (n) : calamity, sudden misfortune

  14. Disavow (v) : say that one does not know, deny

  15. Disband (v) : break up, disperse

  16. Disbelief (n) : lack of belief, refusal to believe

  17. Disbelieve (v) : suspect, refuse to believe

  18. Disburse (v) : pay out, expend

  19. Disc (n) : disk, a flat circular plate

  20. Disk (n) : disc, a flat circular plate

  21. Discard (v) : reject, give up

  22. Discern (v) : perceive, discriminate, recognize

  23. Discharge (v) : dismiss, perform, unload, fire a gun, to set free

  24. Discharge (n) : dismissal, performance

  25. Disciple (n) : pupil, follower

  26. Discipline (n) : education, orderliness, restraint

  27. Discipline (v) : force to obey orders, punish

  28. Disclaim (v) : disown, give up all claims

  29. Disclaimer (n) : a denial, a repudiation

  30. Disclose (v) : uncover, tell openly, exposé

  31. Discolour (v) : to spoil or change the colour

  32. Discomfit (v) : hinder, defeat, to embarrass

  33. Discomfort (n) : inconvenience

  34. Discomfort (v) : cause in convenience

  35. Disconcert (v) : confuse, upset

  36. Disconnect (v) : separate

  37. Discontent (n) : lack of content, dissatisfaction

  38. Discontented (adj.) : dissatisfied

  39. Discontinue (v) : leave off, cease put an end to

  40. Discord (n) : strife

  41. Discount (n) : deduction in the price

  42. Discountenance (v) : show disapproval of, discourage

Mostly Used English Words for 20th March :

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