My Ambition in Life

English Grammar IndexMy Ambition in Life :

Everyone should have some ambition in life. An ambition gives meanings and purpose to life and the purpose gives a definite direction to one’s life and induces and inspires him to make efforts to achieve the purpose.

I would like to be a doctor. My father is a partner in a firm of chartered accountants and wants me to go in for a degree in accountancy and join him in his firm. But I have no aptitude for figure-work. So, I have made up my mind to be a doctor and my father, though displeased and reluctant at first, has finally approved of my decision and wished me success in it.

I shall take my medical degree and then set up a dispensary in my village. There is a dire dearth of medical facilities in villages. Many lives are lost for want of timely medical aid. I would like to correct this dismal and disappointing picture as much as I can.

I shall never try to turn my noble profession into a money-making business. My attitude towards my patients will not be determined by their income or social status. I would never deny treatment to anyone because he has no money, for poverty is not a crime. Service to the sorrowing humanity will be my mission and I shall try to live up to it.
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