Mythological Stories

Here is a Unique collection of Mythological Stories from all parts of the world.. From all regions of the Globe, this collection has been made to represent the true taste of Mythology. The underlining principles would be truth, love, mutual respect, righteousness, rectitude, divinity, priority to societal unity, etc…All people, including the old people, would enjoy reading these stories. You are welcome to share these stories with your friends.A vast treasure trove of Tales is yours for your enjoyment. These are Stories that grow ever more popular as time passes. And we add such Stories for you every fortnight.

Feast of Kubera

Ganpati Swoops Down

Green Missile

How The Flower Ketaki Fell from Grace?

Solar Deities

Summer Madness

The Dissatisfied Devotee

The Dowry

The Gift of Fire

The God of Love

The Man Who Could not Die

The Origin of Coconut Tree

The Story of Lord Ganesha

The Sun-Goddess of Korea

The Two Bachelors

Why Snakes Have Forked Tongues

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