Name of Phobia for

Name of Phobia for :

  1. Names or hearing a certain name — Onomatophobia.

  2. Names — Nomatophobia.

  3. Narrow things or places — Stenophobia.

  4. Narrowness — Anginophobia.

  5. Needles — Aichmophobia or Belonephobia.

  6. New, anything or novel — Kainophobia, Kainolophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Neophobia.

  7. Newness — Cainophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Cainotophobia.

  8. News, hearing good news — Euphobia.

  9. Night or dark — Nyctophobia.

  10. Night — Noctiphobia. Noise — Acousticophobia.

  11. Noises, loud — Ligyrophobia.

  12. Noises or voices, speaking aloud, or telephones — Phonophobia.

  13. Northern lights — Auroraphobia.

  14. Nosebleeds — Epistaxiophobia.

  15. Novelty or anything new — Kainophobia or Kainolophobia. Novelty — Cainophobia or Cainotophobia.

  16. Nuclear weapons — Nucleomituphobia.

  17. Nudity — Gymnophobia or Nudophobia.

  18. Number 8 — Octophobia.

  19. Number 13 — Triskadekaphobia.

  20. Numbers — Arithmophobia or Numerophobia.

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