Online Vocabulary for 5th January

English Vocabulary Index

Online Vocabulary for 5th January :

  1. accountant (n) : one who maintains accounts

  2. accoutre (v) : to furnish with dress and trappings (esp. a warrior)

  3. accredit (v) : trust, believe, give authority to

  4. accrue (v) : to come to

  5. accretion (n) : growth

  6. accumulate (v) : heap up, increase greatly

  7. accuracy (n) : exactness, correctness, without any error

  8. accurate (adj) : careful, exact, without error

  9. accursed (adj) : subject to a curse, detestable

  10. accurst (adj) : subject to a curse, detestable

  11. accusative (adj) : accusing, blaming

  12. accusative (n) : the objective case

  13. accusatory (adj) : suggesting or containing an accusation

  14. accuse (v) : indict, charge

  15. accused (n) : person charged

  16. accustom (v) : habituated, familiar, usual

  17. ace (n) : one of the playing cards, a champion who achieves something great

  18. acerb (adj) : sour, bitter

  19. acerbate (v) : make sour or bitter, irritate, anger

  20. acetify (v) : convert into vinegar, get sour

  21. acetous (adj) : having the qualities of vinegar, with a sour taste

  22. acetylene (n) : colourless gas burning with a clear bright flame

  23. ache (n) : continuous pain

  24. achievable (adj) : capable of being performed which can be carried out to the finish

  25. achieve (v) : finish, win, do, reach

  26. achievement (n) : accomplishment, a great deed, completion

  27. Achilles heel (n) : vulnerable spot

  28. acid (n) : a sour substance

  29. acidulated (adj) : made slightly acidic

  30. acknowledge (v) : accept

  31. acme (n) : the top or highest point, must perfect stage, crises

  32. acne (n) : pimple

  33. acoustic (adj) : of sound or of the sense of hearing

  34. acoustics (n) : the science of sound

  35. acquaint (v) : inform, make familiar with

  36. acquaintance (n) : a friend not so intimate

  37. acquest (n) : self-earned property, thing acquired

  38. acquire (v) : gain, get

  39. acquit (v) : set free, conduct well
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