Paired Words

Paired Words : Grammar and Spelling Tips

When you use pairs like
both . . . and, not only . . . but also or neither . . . nor, make sure that each word in the pair is in the right place. The two words should introduce symmetrical structures.


• We met both at home and at work. --- This sentence is a right one.

• We met both at home and work. --- This sentence is a wrong one.

Strictly speaking, you should say either one of the following two sentences.

• He looked neither to right nor to left.


• He looked to neither right nor left.

But the following sentence is a wrong one.

• He looked neither to right nor left.

Similarly, a sentence like the following one is a wrong expression.

• She is not only a talented singer but writes her own songs. --- This sentence is a wrong one.

You could rewrite it as either one of the following two sentences.

• She is not only a talented singer but also a composer.


• She not only sings but also writes her own songs.
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