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The ROOT-WORD is PHOBIA which comes from Greek word Phobos which means IRRATIONAL FEAR.

cacophobia : ugliness

cainophobia : newness, novelty

caligynephobia : beautiful women

carcinophobia : cancer

cardiophobia : the heart

carnophobia : meat

catagelophobia : being ridiculed

catapedaphobia : jumping from high and low places

cathisophobia : sitting

catoptrophobia : mirrors

cenophobia : new things or ideas

ceraunophobia : thunder

chaetophobia : hair

cheimaphobia or cheimatophobia : cold

chemophobia : chemicals

cherophobia : gaiety

chionophobia : snow

chiraptophobia : being touched

cholerophobia : anger

chorophobia : dancing

chrometophobia : money

chromophobia : colors

chronomentrophobia : clocks

chronophobia : time

cibophobia : food

claustrophobia : enclosed spaces

cleisiophobia : being locked in

cleptophobia : stealing

climacophobia : stairs

clinophobia : going to bed

clithrophobia : being enclosed

cnidophobia : stings

coimetrophobia : cemeteries

cometophobia : comets

contreltophobia : sexual abuse

coprastasophobia : constipation

coprophobia : feces

coulrophobia : clowns

cremnophobia : precipices

cryophobia : extreme cold, ice or frost

crystallophobia : crystals or glass

cyberphobia : computers or working on a computer

cyclophobia : bicycles

cymophobia : waves or wave like motions

cynophobia : dogs
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