Power of Words

English Vocabulary Index

Power of Words for 11th December :

  1. Vacancy (n) :emptiness, empty space, a gap, an unoccupied post

  2. Vacant (adj.) : unoccupied, empty, devoid or thought of interest

  3. Vacate (v) : to give up, to quit

  4. Vacation (n) : period of being free form work or duty, recess, holiday, act of vacating

  5. Vaccinate (v) : to inoculate with a vaccine against small pox

  6. Vacillate (v) : waver mentally, fluctuate

  7. Vacuum (n) : empty space, devoid of matter

  8. Vagabond (n) : a purposeless, wandering person

  9. Vagabond (adj.) : having no living place

  10. Vagary (n) : a wild fancy, a caprice

  11. Vagrant (n) : an idle wanderer

  12. Vague (adj.) : unsettled in meaning indefinite, uncertain, doubtful

  13. Vain (adj.) : without use, futile, conceited, feeling high of oneself, foolish

  14. Vainglory (n) : boastfulness, vanity, empty pride

  15. Vainly (adv.) : uselessly, proudly

  16. Vale (n) : a low lying tract of land

  17. Valedictory (adj.) : of or in the nature of a farewell

  18. Valet (n) : a man servant

  19. Valetudinarian (n) : a person of infirm health

  20. Valiant (adj.) : brave

  21. Valid (adj.) : sound, well based, legal

  22. Valid (n) : validity

  23. Validate (v) : to make valid, legalize

  24. Valley (n) : a vale

  25. Valour (n) : courage, bravery, prowess

  26. Valuable (adj.) : articles of high value or use

  27. Value (n) : worth, price

  28. Value (v) : appreciate

  29. Valve (n) : a contrivance to control the flow of air, gas or liquid in a certain direction

  30. Vamp (n) : the upper part of shoe

  31. Vandalism (n) : hostility or artistic works

  32. Vane (n) : weathercock

  33. Vanguard (n) : the foremost division of any army

  34. Vanish (v) : disappear suddenly

  35. Vanity (n) : worthlessness, vain, self pride

  36. Vanilla (n) : a genus of climbing orchidaceous plants, native of tropical America

  37. Vanquish (v) : a conquer, to suppress or overcome

  38. Vapid (adj.) : tasteless, not interesting

  39. Vaporize (v) : to convert into vapour

  40. Vapour (n) : steam, fog, gaseous form of a substance

  41. Variable (adj.) : alternate

  42. Variance (n) : difference in opinion, not in agreement

Power of Words for 11th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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