Power of Words

English Vocabulary Index

Power of Words for 10th December :

  1. Uprising (n) : rising from bed, a riot

  2. Uproar (v) : violent disturbance

  3. Uproot (v) : tear up by the roots, eradicate

  4. Upset (v) : overthrow, overturn

  5. Upstairs (adv.) : in or towards an upper storey

  6. Upstart (n) : one who has suddenly risen from a humble state to wealth or power

  7. Up-to-date (adj.) : modern

  8. Upward (adj.) : directed up (or) towards a higher place

  9. Urban (adj.) : relating to a town or city

  10. Urbane (adj.) : polite, courteous, refined

  11. Urchin (adj.) : mischievous boy, a small boy, a hedgehog

  12. Urge (n) : an earnest, desire

  13. Urge (v) : press or force onward, impel

  14. Urgent (adj.) : pressing, requiring, immediate action

  15. Urinal (n) : a vessel or place for passing urine

  16. Urine (n) : the impure pale-yellow watery fluid secreted in the kidneys and discharged from the bladder

  17. Us (pron.) : objective case of WE

  18. Usage (n) : practice, custom, treatment, manner of using

  19. Useful (adj.) : worthless, not beneficial

  20. Useless (n) : worthless, not beneficial

  21. Usher (n) : door-keeper

  22. Usher (v) : present

  23. Usual (adj.) : common, customary in use

  24. Usurer (n) : a money-lender at a high interest

  25. Usurp (v) : take possession without right

  26. Usurper (n) : one who usurps

  27. Usury (n) : exorbitant interest, the taking of excessive interest on a loan

  28. Utensil (n) : a tool, vessel used in common life

  29. Utilise (v) : make use of, use

  30. Utilize (v) : make use of, use

  31. Utility (n) : usefulness, benefit

  32. Utmost (adj.) : outer most, farthest

  33. Utopian (adj.) : most ideal

  34. Utter (adj.) : quite, complete

  35. Utter (v) : speak

  36. Utterance (n) : speech, expression in words

  37. Uttermost (adj.) : extreme, farthest

  38. Uvula (n) : hanging fleshy part of soft palate

  39. Uxoricide (n) : murder (murderer) of one’s wife

  40. Uxorious (adj.) : foolishly fond of one’s wife

Power of Words for 10th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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