Professional Vocabulary for 6th January

English Vocabulary Index

Professional Vocabulary for 6th January :

  1. acre (n) : an extent of land, 46400 square feet

  2. acrid (adj) : irritating

  3. acrobat (n) : tumbler, gymnast

  4. across (prep & adv) : from side to side of, on the other side

  5. act (v) : perform, behave, (one self) do something

  6. act (n) : thing done, part of a play or drama

  7. action (n) : law suit, gesticulation

  8. actionable (adj) : on which action can be taken, admitting of action

  9. activate (v) : induce to action

  10. active (adj) : energetic, spirited, industrious

  11. activity (n) : energy

  12. actor (n) : a stage player, actress

  13. actual (adj) : real, true, existing, in fact

  14. actuate (v) : incite, impel, influence

  15. aculeus (n) : string, prickle

  16. acumen (n) : keenness of mind, sharp discernment

  17. acute (adj) : sharp, keen

  18. adage (adj) : an old saying, proverb

  19. adamant (n) : a very hard stone

  20. adamant (adj) : obstinate

  21. adapt (v) : make suitable

  22. adapt (adj) : adaptable

  23. add (v) : sum up, join

  24. addendum (n) : things added

  25. addendum (pl) : addenda

  26. adder (n) : a variety of poisonous snake

  27. addict (v) : habituate (generally to an evil habit)

  28. addition (n) : act of adding, a sum or thing or portion which is added up

  29. addle (v) : make rotten, go bad, muddle

  30. address (n) : speech, direction of a letter, skill

  31. addressee (n): person to whom a letter is addressed

  32. adduce (v) : quote, cite

  33. adenoids (n) : growth at the back of the nose

  34. adept (adj) : well skilled

  35. adequate (adj) : sufficient

  36. adhere (v) : stick fast, be faithful

  37. adherence (n) : attachment

  38. adherent (n) : a follower, a supporter

  39. adherent (adj) : sticking to

  40. Ad hoc (adj) : created for the special purpose

  41. adieu (n) : good-bye, farewell

  42. adipose (adj) : fatty

  43. adjacent (adj) : lying near

  44. adjective (n) : a word which tells something about a noun

  45. adjoin (v) : to lie nearest to

  46. adjourn (v) : postpone

English Vocabulary Index

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