Pronounce English Words
English Vocabulary Index
Pronounce English Words for 30th June :
- Malignity (n) : evilness, rancour, enmity
Malinger (v): to pretend to be sick
Malison (n) : a curse
Mall (n): a bog wooden hammer, sheltered path
Malleable (adj.) : that can be beaten in to leaves
Mallet (n): hammer with a wooden head
Mallow (n): wild plant with soft downy leaves
Malnutrition (n) :under feeding
Malodorous (adj.): ill-smelling
Malpractice (n): bad proactive, dishonest action
Malt (n) :grain allowed to sprout, steeped in water and dried in a kiln
Maltreat (v) : treat roughly or unkindly
Mamma (n): mother
Mama (n): mother
Mammal (n) : an animal which suckles the young
Mammon (n): the god of wealth of Syrians, wealth
Mammoth (adj.): immense, gigantic
Mammoth (n) : a large elephant now extinct
Mammy (n) : mother
Man (n): adult male human being
Man (v) : supply with men for service of defence
Manacle (n): handcuffs, fetters
Manage (v) : conduct, govern, control
Manager (n): one who manages, one who directs and controls
Mandarin (n): a high Chinese government official, an orange, a Chinese language
Mandate (n): a command, an order
Mandolin (n): a musical instrument with strings
Mandrake (n): poisonous plant that brings sleep when eaten
Mane (n): the long hair growing on the back of the neck of horse, lion etc.
Man-eater (n) : one who or that which eats man
Manful (adj.) : brave, bold
Manganese (n): a hard, brittle light grey metal
Mange (n) : a skin disease in hairy animals
Manger (n) : a large box or trough form which horses and cattle feed in a stable
Mangle (n) : a rolling press
Mangle (v) : hack, bungle
Mango (n) : an Indian tree, or its edible fruits
Mangrove (n): a species of tree growing in muddy swamps on tropical coasts
Manhandle (v): treat roughly with force
Manhole (n): a hole through which a man can, get in
Mania (n): violent madness
Maniac (n): mad or crazy person
Manicure (n): care of the hands and fingernails
Pronounce English Words for 30th June :
English Vocabulary Index
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