SAT Words

English Vocabulary Index

SAT Words for 4th December :

  1. Uncanny (adj.) : supernatural, strange

  2. Uncertain (adj.) : doubtful, not forth coming

  3. Unchecked (adj.) : not hindered unrestrained

  4. Uncivilized (adj.) : rude, barbarous, uneducated

  5. Uncle (n) : father’s or mother’s brother

  6. Unclean (adj.) : impure, dirty

  7. Uncoil (v) : unwind

  8. Un comely (adj.) : indecent, not good looking

  9. Uncomfortable (adj.) : affording no comfort, uneasy

  10. Uncommon (adj.) : unusual, rare, remarkable

  11. Uncompromising (adj.) : unyielding obstinate

  12. Unconcerned (adj.) : not concerned with

  13. Unconscious (adj.) : not conscious

  14. Uncontrollable (adj.) : ungovernable beyond control

  15. Uncorrected (adj.) : not corrected, not rectified

  16. Uncouth (adj.) : rough, awkward

  17. Uncover (v) : lay open

  18. Uncrown (v) : dethrone

  19. Unction (n) : an ointment

  20. Uncultivated (adj.) : not cultivated, rude

  21. Undated (adj.) : having no date

  22. Undaunted (adj.) : fearless, bold

  23. Undeceive (v) : not determined, hesitating

  24. Undefined (adj.) : not explained precisely

  25. Undeniable (adj.) : obvious

  26. Under (prep.) : beneath, below

  27. Under (adj.) : lower, lesser

  28. Underbid (v) : offer a lower price

  29. Undercharge (v) : charge too little for

  30. Undercurrent (n) : a current under the surface of water

  31. Underestimate (v) : set too under the surface of water

  32. Under fact (adv.) : under one’s feet

  33. Undergo (v) : bear, endure

  34. Underground (n) : below the surface of earth

  35. Undergrowth (d) : shrubs, which grow under a tree

  36. Underhand (adj.) : secret

  37. Underlie (v) : lie under, support

  38. Underline (v) : make with lines beneath, emphasize

  39. Underling (n) : mean fellow

  40. Underlying (adj.) : lying below, basic

SAT Words for 4th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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