Specialized Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Specialized Vocabulary for 21st November :

  1. Thrashing-floor (n) : floor on which grain is thrashed

  2. Threshing-floor (n) : floor on which grain is thrashed

  3. Thread (n) : a fine string made by twisting strands of silk, cotton etc.

  4. Threadbare (adj.) : worn thin

  5. Threaten (v) : to make a threat

  6. Three (adj.) : number next to two

  7. Three (n) : number next to two

  8. Threefold (adj.) : three times

  9. Threshold (n) : a structure at the bottom of a door-way

  10. Thrice (adv.) : three times

  11. Thrift (n) : habit of saving

  12. Thrift (adj.) : avoiding waste

  13. Thrill (n) : an excited feeling

  14. Thrill (v) : cause to feel excited

  15. Thrive (v) : to grow rich, be successful, multiply, be fortunate

  16. Thriving (adj.) : flourishing, successful

  17. Throat (n) : the front part of the neck

  18. Throb (v) : to pulsate rapidly

  19. Throb (n) : a beat, pulsation

  20. Throe (n) : violent pain , brief agony

  21. Throne (n) : the seat of the authority or a ruler

  22. Throng (n) : a crowd

  23. Throstle (n) : a singing bird

  24. Throttle (v) : compress the throat

  25. Through (prep.) : from end to end of by means of, in consequence of, amongst

  26. Throughout (prep.) : through each and every part of, from beginning to end

  27. Throw (v) : fling or cast, hurl

  28. Throw (n) : act of throwing, a cast, within a stone’s throw

  29. Thrush (n) : a singing bird

  30. Thrust (v) : push violently or suddenly, strike forward with a sword

  31. Thud (n) : a dull sound as of a blow on a soft body or thing

  32. Thumb (n) : the short and thick finger of the hand or leg, turn or wear or soil with the finger

  33. Thump (n) : heavy blow, dull sound produced by an impact

  34. Thump (v) : fist heavily

  35. Thumping (adj.) : very big

  36. Thunder (n) : the loud cracking sound that follows the lightning

  37. Thunderbolt (n) : a shaft of lightning with a crash or thunder

  38. Thunderclap (n) : a sudden burst of thunder

  39. Thundercloud (n) : a cloud full of electricity producing lightning and thunder

  40. Thunder strike (v) : strike like thunder

  41. Thunderstruck (adj.) : struck, dumb, amazed

  42. Thundery (adj.) : giving signs of thunder

  43. Thursday (n) : the day before Friday

  44. Thus (adv.) : in that (this) way, to this that extent or degree

  45. Thwack (v) : a heavy blow

  46. Thwart (n) : to cross, to frustrate, obstruct

  47. Thy (pron.) : possessive adjective of thee

  48. Thyself (pron.) : thou or thee in person(used for emphasis)

Specialized Vocabulary for 21st November :

English Vocabulary Index

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