
English Grammar Index

Mark the stress on the following words. :

  1. Photograph - phot’ograph

  2. companion - comp’anion

  3. machine - ma’chine

  4. apparently - app’arent’ly

  5. continue - cont’inue

  6. expand - ex’pand

  7. momentary - moment’ary

  8. bitterness - bitter’ness

  9. brutal - brut’al

  10. bauble - bau’ble

  11. worthless - worth’less

  12. collect - coll’ect

  13. essential - essen’tial

  14. conscience - con’science

  15. remember - remem’ber

  16. opportunity - oppor’tunity

  17. reorganization - re’organi’zation

  18. perjure - per’jure

  19. creation - crea’tion

  20. utilisation - uti’lisa’tion

  21. significance - signi’fi’cance

  22. conservation - con’serva’tion

  23. mometum - momen’tum

  24. plantaion - plant’ation

  25. passenger - passeng’er

  26. breakfast - break’fast

  27. roadside - road’side

  28. hypnotically - hyp’noti’cally

  29. fragments - frag’ments

  30. farmhouse - farm’house

  31. scrabbling - scrabb’ling

  32. vehicle - vehi’cle

  33. movement - move’ment

  34. ambulance - am’bu’lance

  35. endurance - end’uran’ce

  36. strength - streng’th

  37. adjusted - adjust’ed

  38. entirely - ent’irely

  39. removing - re’moving

  40. reconcile - re’con’cile

  41. reconstruct - re’cons’truct

  42. acknowledge - ack’now’ledge

  43. lightning - light’ning

  44. accident - acci’dent

  45. contemptuous - con’tempt’uous

  46. conspicuous - cons’pic’uous

  47. evidence - evide’nce

  48. hypocrite - hypo’crite

  49. technicality - tech’nicali’ty

  50. philosophically - philo’sophi’cally

  51. consolation - con’solation

  52. umbrella - umb’rella

  53. dishonourable - dis’honou’rable

  54. indignant - in’dig’nant

  55. elixir - elix’ir

  56. draught - drau’ght

  57. confer - con’fer

  58. immortality - imm’orta’lity

  59. billowing - bil’lowing

  60. examination - exam’ina’tion

  61. shoulder - shoul’der

  62. station - sta’tion

  63. wrench - wren’ch

  64. tumbling - tumb’ling

  65. accelerated - acce’le’rat’ed

  66. savage - sava’ge

  67. abounding - aboun’ding

  68. creative - crea’tive

  69. frustrative - frus’tra’tive

  70. wasteful - waste’ful

  71. diversity - diver’sity

  72. invisible - in’visi’ble

  73. enthusiasm - enth’usia’sm

  74. journal - jour’nal

  75. frantic - fran’tic

  76. animation - anima’tion

  77. hesitatingly - hesi’tatingly

  78. staggering - stag’gering

  79. against - again’st

  80. depositor - de’posit’or

  81. indignation - indig’nation

  82. governor - govern’or

  83. imagine - ima’gine

  84. humble - hum’ble

  85. ultimate - ulti’mate

  86. substantial - subs’tan’tial

  87. subsidiary - sub’si’diary

  88. evident - evi’dent

  89. unique - uni’que

  90. agriculture - agri’cul’ture

  91. sustained - sus’tained

  92. emphasis - empha’sis

  93. trickling - trick’ling

  94. precipitation - pre’cipi’ta’tion

  95. beneficent - bene’ficent

  96. suspension - sus’pension

  97. various - var’ious

  98. battered - batt’ered

  99. buckled - buck’led

  100. budge - bud’ge

  101. family - fami’ly

  102. suddenly - sudden’ly

  103. tendencies - ten’den’cies

  104. benevolence - bene’vo’lence

  105. domesticated - domes’ti’cated

  106. inspiration - ins’pi’ration

  107. cumulative - cumu’lative

  108. romanticized - romanti’sized

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English Grammar Index

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