Temperature of Our Breath
Rate of Heartbeat

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Temperature of Our Breath

Take a glass bottle. Insert one thermometer and one end of a rubber tube in the bottle. Fill the mouth of the bottle with cotton so that both the tube and the thermometer are fixed in place.

Now put the other end of the tube in your mouth. Inhale and then exhale into the tube.

Repeat this for some eight times. Now take the thermometer out and note the temperature. The reading will indicate the temperature of your breath

Rate of Heartbeat

Want to measure the rate of your heartbeat? You can do this by feeling your pulse on the artery that goes under your wrist.

Use a watch and start counting the number of times your heart beats in a minute.

After that go to the local park and take a short sprint. Take the count again. You will notice that the second time the rate is faster.

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