Texting Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Texting Vocabulary for 11th June :

  1. Jap (v) : to stab, push

  2. Japer (v) : talk nonsense, prate

  3. Japer (n) : gabble, chatter

  4. Jack (n) :a machine for raising heavy weights, flag, bread-fruit tree, a playing card

  5. Jackal (n) : a wild animal

  6. Jackanapes (n) : monkey, a cheap fellow

  7. Jackass (n) : a male ass

  8. Jackdaw (n) : a bird like crow

  9. Jacket (n) : an upper garment, a paper cover for a book

  10. Jackfruit (n) : an Indian fruit

  11. Jade (v) : tire out

  12. Jade (n) : hack, a tired horse

  13. Jag (n) : sharp, rough pointed end of rock

  14. Jag (adj.) : rough

  15. Jaggery (n) : a coarse brown sugar

  16. Jaghir (n) : a land held on condition of service

  17. Jaghirdar (n) : the holder of a Jaghir

  18. Jaguar (n) : an American animal like leopard

  19. Jail (n) : prison

  20. Jail (v) : put in goal

  21. Jam (v) : press squeeze

  22. Jam (n) : a crowd, fruits boiled with sugar

  23. Jamboree (n) : merry making

  24. Jangle (v) : take part in a noisy or angry argument

  25. Jangle (n) : discordant voice or sounds

  26. January (n) : the first month of the English, Year

  27. Japan (n) : a kind of varnish

  28. Japanese (adj.): belonging to Japan

  29. Japanese (n) : people of Japan or their language

  30. Jar (n) : a wide-mouthed cylindrical vessel, a shock, disagreement

  31. Jar (v): cause a shock

  32. Jargon (v) : language difficult to understand, confused talk

  33. Jasmine (n) : a climbing plant with sweet smelling flowers

  34. Jaundice (n) : a disease marked by the yellowness of the eyeballs and skin, unhealthy mind

English Vocabulary Index

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