The Bull Must Be Taken By The Horns.

The Bull Must Be Taken By The Horns. :

In Spain bull fights are common. It is an interesting sport in which a man meets a charging bull in an arena. He tries to avoid the danger of being gored by the bull. Usually he grasps the bull by its horns and then by using great strength brings the bull by its horns and then by using great strength brings the bull to a dispirited stop. This can only be done by grappling the charging bull by the horns. Trying to avoid the horns and slipping off brings great danger to the fighter. Such an example can be taken in real life also. Life brings forth many dangers like the charging bull. If we get frightened and try to avoid them we will not be able to overcome the danger. The best way is to find the root cause of the problem and face it boldly. It might be difficult but not impossible. History is full of such men, heroes who have courageously faced life at its worst. They had succeeded in overcoming the problems. Luck usually smiles on the bold. It is always better to take risk than run away from it and get defeated. Only a coward turns his back on dangers. Calmly and boldly facing those dangers is the best way to fight them. And that usually brings success.

The Bull Must Be Taken By The Horns.