
Since Many Analogy Questions feature technical terms from Theater, which even students with strong general vocabulary, may not be aware of, this chapter gives such a list of words from Theater for the benefit of all the students.

Acrobat: expert performer of physical feats

Act: a major division of a play

Amphitheater: a round, outdoor space with raised steps around a stage

Apron: section of stage floor closest to audience

Aside: actor’s lines spoken to audience, not to other actors

Audition: brief trial performance held to appraise an actor’s musician’s talent or suitability

Auditorium: room, hall or building used for performances

Backdrop: curtain painted as scenery hung at the rear of the stage

Backstage: wings, dressing rooms and other areas out of the audience view

Barnstormer: traveling actor

Bill: performance or piece shown in the theater

Burlesque: satire, a variety entertainment featuring comic skits, striptease or magic

Cabaret: dancing, skits performed in a bar or a café

Cameo: small role played by a famous actor

Cast: a set of actors in a play

Chorus: a group of singers

Circuit: locations at which a touring company gives dramatically performances

Circus: traveling troupe of acrobats, clowns and trained animals

Contortionist: circus acrobat capable of assuming unnatural positions

Costume: an actor’s dress

Cue: a word or phrase or action signaling an actor’s line, entrance or exit

Debut: an actor’s first performance

Denouement: final resolution of a story’s plot

Diva: leading woman singer in a grant opera

Ensemble: a group of actors performing together

Epilogue: brief section at the conclusion of a play

Extra: an actor in a minor, non-speaking role

Farce: low comedy based on absurd situation

Finale: final scene or musical number of a performance

Harlequin: masked, comic character

Histrionic: acting in a highly theatrical and in a exaggerated style

Impresario: manage or director of a theater company

Improvisation: unrehearsed or impromptu performance

Intermission: interval between acts

Masque: elaborate costume play

Melodrama: dramatic form that exaggerate emotions

Mime: actor who uses gesture and bodily movements to silently portray a character

Monologue: speech delivered at length by one actor

Mug: to make exaggerated, often comic, facial expression while acting

Musical: light dramatic entertainment featuring musical interludes

Pantomime: performance without spoken words

Plot: arrangement of narrative events in a play

Premiere: first performance of a play

Preview: performance of a play before its official opening

Prima Donna: principal woman singer

Prompt: to supply an actor with a forgotten line

Repertoire: stock of plays performed by a company

Revue: series of comic kits, songs, dances

Scenario: outline of a play’s action

Scene: uninterrupted action within a play

Skit: short, informal comic piece

Slapstick: low comedy dependant ob physical humor

Soliloquy: monologue expressing a character’s inner thoughts addressed to the audience

Stooge: comic foil

Tableau: stage pictures created by actors posing motionless

Thespian: an actor

Troubadour: wandering medieval singer

Understudy: actor versed in another’s part, ready to step in if needed

Usher: theater attendant who guides audience members to their seats

Vaudeville: theatrical entertainment that features a variety of performance

Vaudevillian: performer of comic roles

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