Tough English Words

English Vocabulary Index

Tough English Words for 12th June :

  1. Jaunt (n) : short journey for pleasure

  2. Jaunty (adj.): showy, showing self confidence

  3. Javelin (n): a light spear for throwing

  4. Jaw (n) : cheek bone, bones of the mouth in which teeth are set

  5. Jay (n) : a bright coloured bird of the crow kind

  6. Jay-walker (n) : a careless walker on the roads

  7. Jazz (n) : a sort of music to which people dance

  8. Jealous (adj.) : envious, suspicious

  9. Jealousy (n) : envy

  10. Jeer (v) : make fun, of

  11. Jeer (n) : joke, mockery

  12. Jehovah (n) : the Hebrew name of God

  13. Jelly (n) : gelatine, gum

  14. Jeopardize (v) : endanger

  15. Jeopardy (n ): danger

  16. Jerboa (n) : a small animal with bony hind legs

  17. Jerk (n) : a sharp sudden pull, push or shake

  18. Jerk (v) : give a sudden shake or movement

  19. Jest (n) : joke, jeer

  20. Jest (v) : play a joke

  21. Jest (adv.) : jestingly

  22. Jester (n) : a comedian

  23. Jesus (n) : Christ, the founder of Christianity

  24. Jet (n) : a variety of black stones susceptible to a brilliant polish, water spout

  25. Jet-black (adj.) : deep black

  26. Jetsam (n) : goods thrown over board to lighten a ship

  27. Jettison (v): cast off, throw out

  28. Jetty (n) : small projecting pier

  29. Jew (n) : a Hebrew

  30. Jewel (n): a precious stone, a valuable ornament

  31. Jew’s-harp (n) : a musical instrument

  32. Jig (n): a dance

  33. Jingle (v) : emit a tinkling sound

  34. Jingle (n) : the sound as of small bells

  35. Jinricksha (n) : a light carriage drawn by man

  36. Jinrikisha (n) : a light carriage drawn by man

  37. Job (n) : a piece of work

  38. Job (v) : to hire, do a small piece of work

  39. Jockey (n): a rider of race-horse

  40. Jocose (adj.) : humorous, playful

  41. Jocular (adj.): sportive, joking

  42. Jocund (adj.) : merry, jolly, cheerful

  43. Join (v) : unite, connect

  44. Joiner (n): one who joins, a carpenter

  45. Joint (n) : a place where two or more parts ate joined

  46. Joint (adj.) : held in common

  47. Jointly (adv): together

  48. Joist (n) : a supporting beam

  49. Joke (n) : a jest

  50. Jolly (adj.): merry, joyful

Tough English Words for 12th June :

English Vocabulary Index

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