Transitive Verb

Grammar Index : 2

A transitive verb is the verb which takes an object.


• Mr. Hales takes the class today morning.

By this sentence, Mr. Hales takes the class.


The word “Mr. Hales” is the noun.

The word “the class” is the object.

The word “takes” is the verb.

Only when all the three words are there, the whole sentence becomes complete and meaningful.

In case the object word is not there, the sentence “Mr. Hales takes” conveys no meaning and

the sentence does not become complete. In that case “what does Mr. Hales take?” is not clear.

So only when the verb “takes” gets an object, the meaning behind the verb “takes” becomes complete.

That means the verb “takes” needs an object to make itself complete.

Such a verb which needs an object is called transitive verb.

That means the action of the verb is transmitted to another noun or another thing.

• They brought the suitcase two days back.

Here the verb “brought” (bring) needs an object to become meaningful.

What was brought?

The suitcase was brought by them.

So the verb “bring” (brought) is a transitive verb.

• My father has written a book which may interest you.
• We are crossing the river by a boat.
• The child is reading English poems clearly.
• An uncivilized man killed John Kennedy.
• She created this structure for our proposed-house.
• My teacher gave me a pen before I entered the exam-hall.
• They sell their properties.

In all the seven sentences given above, the respective verbs

“write”, “cross”, “read”, “kill”, “create”,“give” and “sell”

need their respective objects to make the sentences meaningful.

So, all these verbs are transitive verbs.

Few other “Transitive verbs” are: build, carry, begin, bear,

eat, choose, eat, find, forget, feed, drink, deal, cling, give,

grind, have, hold, make, ride, lend, know, learn, win, steal,

weave, shut, spread etc…

Grammar Index : 2

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