Unscramble Words

English Vocabulary Index

Unscramble Words for 26th December :

  1. Winter (n) : the cold season of the year

  2. Winter (v) : spend the winter

  3. Wintry (adj.) : cold, pertaining to winter

  4. Wipe (n) : a rub

  5. Wipe (v) : to clean by rubbing

  6. Wire (n) : a thread of metal, a telegraph

  7. Wire (v) : send by telegraph, provide or fasten with wire

  8. Wirepuller (n) : an intriguer

  9. Wiry (adj.) : strong and flexible, made or wire, sinewy

  10. Wisdom (n) : the quality of being wise, knowledge, good judgement

  11. Wise (n) : manner

  12. Wise (adj.) : possessing, knowledge, good judgement

  13. Wish (n) : desire for something, a polite request

  14. Wish (v) : to have a longing for, a request

  15. Wishful (adj.) : possessing a wish

  16. Wisp (n) : a bundle of straw or hay

  17. Wistful (adj.) : thoughtful, eager, anxiously expecting

  18. Wit (n) : power of understanding, clever and humorous expression of ideas

  19. Witch (n) : a sorceress

  20. Witchcraft (n) : sorcery, the black art

  21. Withal (adv.) : together

  22. Withdraw (v) : take back, recall, retreat, go away

  23. Wither (v) : to dry up, weaken

  24. Withhold (v) : refuse to give, keep back, hold back

  25. Within (prep.) : in the inner part, inside, in the reach of

  26. Within (adv.) : internally, inwardly, at home

  27. Withstand (v) : oppose, resist

  28. Withy (n) : tough flexible twig or branch

  29. Witticism (n) : a witty remark

  30. Wittingly (adv.) : consciously, on purpose

  31. Witty (adj.) : amusing, having wit

  32. Wizard (n) : enchanter

  33. Wizened (adj.) : dried up

  34. Woad (n) : a blue dye got from the wood plant

  35. Wobble (v) : to move unsteadily from side to side

  36. Woe (n) : grief, misery, sorrow, calamity, in weal and woe

  37. Woebegone (adj.) : looking sad or miserable

  38. Woeful (adj.) : sorrowful, wretched

  39. Wolf (n) : a carnivorous dog like mammal

  40. Wolfish (adj.) : like a wolf, cruel

  41. Wolfram (n) : a kind of metal

Unscramble Words for 26th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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