Vocabulary Activities for 9th January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Activities for 9th January :

  1. afloat (adv & adj) : floating, circulation of (currency)

  2. afoot (adv) : on foot, in progress

  3. aforesaid (adj) : said or mentioned before

  4. afraid (adj) : in fear

  5. afresh (adv) : once more, in a new way

  6. after (adv & prep) : next, behind

  7. aftermath (n) : resulting happenings

  8. afternoon (n) : the time from noon to evening

  9. after thought (n) : reflection after the act

  10. afterwards (adv) : after a certain happening

  11. again (adv) : once more, further

  12. against (prep) : in opposition to

  13. agate (n) : a very hard precious stone

  14. age (n) : measure of time of life

  15. aged (adj) : old

  16. agency (n) : establishment for business purposes

  17. agenda (n & pl) : memoranda, business set for a meeting

  18. agent (n) : a person or thing that acts

  19. agglomeration (n) : growing together, gathering together, heap

  20. aggravate (v) : annoy, worsen

  21. aggravate (n) : aggravation

  22. aggregate (n & adj) : total collection of associated individuals

  23. aggressor (n) : one that begins to attack another

  24. aggrieve (v) : grieve, to pain or injure

  25. aghast (adv) : filled with terror, struck with amazement

  26. agile (adj) : active, quick moving

  27. agility (n) : briskness

  28. agio (n) : difference in value, discount

  29. agitate (v) : shake, disturb, excite

  30. agitation (n) : disturbance

  31. aglow (adj & adv) : red hot, shining

  32. agnostic (n & adj) : rationalist

  33. ago (adv) : in time past, gone by

  34. agog (adj &adv) : eager, astir

  35. agony (n) : great pain

  36. agony (v) : agonise

  37. agrarian (adj) : relating to agriculture

  38. agrarian (n) : person demanding reforms in land holdings

  39. agree (v) : be like, consent

  40. agreement (n) : a written statement legally making a bargain

  41. agriculture (n) : cultivation, farming

  42. agronomy (n) : rural economy

  43. aground (adv) : stranded, run ashore

English Vocabulary Index

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