
This Vocabulary-Government is the list of words which you should know in order to become a good communicator.

Take down the words which you should use in your writings.

As usual, this Vocabulary-Government also contains the important words.

• Democracy…Government of people of the people, for the people and by the people

• Autocracy…Government by a sovereign with uncontrolled authority

• Despotism… Government by a sovereign with uncontrolled authority

• Aristocracy…Government by the nobility

• Bureaucracy…Government by the departments of state

• Oligarchy…Government by a few

• Plutocracy… Government by the wealthy

• Hierarchy… Government by priests or ecclesiastics

• Hagiarchy… Government by priests

• Hagiocracy… Government by priests

• Theocracy… Government by divine guidance

• Episcopacy… Government of the church by the bishops

• Stratocracy… Government by a military class

• Kakistocracy… Government by the worst citizens

• Autonomy…The right of self-government

• Politics…The science of Government

• Revolution…A radical change in the Government

• Referendum…To decide the political question by the direct vote of the electorate

• Interregnum…The period between two reigns

• Regent…One who governs the kingdom during the infancy, absence of the sovereign

• Consort…The wife or husband of the king or queen

• Census…An official numbering of the population

• Statistics….Facts and figures

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