Vocabulary Ideas for 29th January
English Vocabulary Index
Vocabulary Ideas for 29th January :
Bead (n) : any small ball with a hold through it
Beak (n) : the bill of a bird
Beaker (n) : a lipped glass
Beam (n) : a log, rafter, bat of balance
Bean (v) : a plant
Bear (v) : carry, endure, bring forth
Bear (n) : a wild beast
Beard (n) : the hair that grows on the chin
Bearer (n) : one who carries
Beast (n) : a wild animal
Beastly (adj.) : like a beast, coarse, cruel
Beat (v) : strike throb, turn, appointed round
Beautiful (adj.) : fair, sweet, charming
Beautify (v) : make beautiful
Beautitude (n) : blessedness, felicity, heaven
Beauty (n) : a pleasing grace, loveliness, a beautiful person
Becalm (v) : appease, still, allay
Because (adv & con) : since, in as much as, for the reason
Beck (n) : a mountain stream, a gesture
Beckon (v) : make a sign to
Become (v) : come to be, suit, befit
Becoming (adj) : suitable, graceful
Bed (n) : couch, furniture to sleep or rest upon; a plot in a garden; basin
Bedeck (v) : ornament, adorn
Bedevil (v) : possess
Bedlam (n) : mad house, scene of uproar
Beduck (v) : plunge under water
Bee (n) : a four-winged insect that collects honey
Beech (n) : a forest tree
Beehive (n) : a case in which bees are reared
Beef (v) : meat, flesh of cow
Been (v) : past participle of ‘be’
Beer (n) : ale, fermented alcoholic liquor
Beetle (v) : project, over hang
Befall (v) : happen, occur, take place
Befit (v) : suit
Befool (v) : treat as a fool
Before (adv. & prep.) : in front, in the presence of
Before hand (adv) : in advance
Befriend (v) : assist, stand by, help as a friend would
Beg (v) : ask for food
Begad (intj.) : by god
Began (v) : past tense of “begin”
Beget (v) : produce
Beggar (n) : poor person, one who begs
Beggarly (adj.) : poor, mean
Beggarly (adv.) : in a mean fashion
Vocabulary Ideas for 29th January :
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