Vocabulary Lesson Plans
English Vocabulary Index
Vocabulary Lesson Plans for 25th July :
- Oblivious (adj.): forgetful, causing forgetfulness not aware
Oblong (adj.) : rectangular and of greater length than breadth
Oblong (n) : a rectangle
Obnoxious (adj.) : offensive, hurtful
Oboe (n): wooden wind instrument
Obscene (adj.): indecent, offensive to chastity
Obscenity (n): an indecent act or language, impurity
Obscure (adj.): indistinct, dark, hidden
Obscure (v) : hide, darken
Obsequies (n.pl) : funeral rites and solemnities
Obsequious (adj.): submissive, humble
Observance (n) : performance, rite ceremony obedient attention
Observant (adj.) : carefully, attentive, obedient to law and customs
Observation (n): act of observing, remark, that which is observed
Observatory (n):a place for astronomical and physical observations
Observe (v): keep in view, watch, perform duly, make remarks
Obsess (v) : continually distress occupy the mind of
Obsolete (adj.): out of date, disused
Obstacle (n): hindrance, let
Obstinacy (n): stubbornness, fixedness that yields with difficulty
Obstinate (adj.): stubborn
Obstreperous (adj.) : making noise
Obstruct (v) : block up, hinder
Obstruction (n): obstacle, hindrance, act of obstruction
Obstructive (adj.): causing obstruction
Obtain (v) : gain, get, acquire
Obtrude (v): to intrude, to force upon
Obverse (n): the head side of a coin
Obviate (v) : get rid of, clear away, remove
Obvious (adj.): evident, clear
Occasion (n) : a happening, an opportunity
Occasional (adj.) : infrequent
Occasionally (adv): rarely, sometimes, not often
Occident (n) : the west
Occult (adj.): hidden, secret, mysterious, magical
Occupant (n) : one who occupies
Occupation (n) : business or work, what one is doing
Vocabulary Lesson Plan for 25th July :
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