Vocabulary Lesson Plans for 17th January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Lesson Plans for 17th January :

  1. Anneal (v) : to make glass or metal hard by heating and them slowly cooling

  2. Annex (v) : add to the end, append

  3. Annex (n) : also annexe

  4. Annihilate (v) : destroy so completely that nothing is left

  5. Anniversary (n) : annual celebration

  6. Annotate (v) : illustrate with the help of notes, explain

  7. Annotation (n) : commentary, an explanatory note

  8. Announce (v) : make known intimate

  9. Annoy (v) : vex, disturb

  10. Annually (adv) : yearly

  11. Annuity (n) : yearly payment (or) receipt

  12. Annul (v) : abolish, cancel

  13. Anoint (v) : rub over with oil

  14. Anomaly (n) : inconsistency, irregularity

  15. Anon (adv) : at once, soon

  16. Anonym (n) : an assumed name

  17. Anonymous (adj) : without a name

  18. Another (adj) : one more, different

  19. Answer (n) : a reply, a solution

  20. Ant (n) : a small social insect

  21. Antagonism (n) : enmity

  22. Antarctic (adj) : having to do with south pole

  23. Antecedent (adj) : going before

  24. Antecedent (n) : past happening

  25. Antedate (v) : put a previous date

  26. Antedate (n) : earlier date

  27. Antelope (n) : a kind of deer

  28. Antemeridian (adv) : before noon

  29. Antenna (n) : the feeler of an insect, a wireless aerial

  30. Anterior (adj) : before in time or place, prior, in front

  31. Ante-room (n) : a room before an other

  32. Anthem (n) : a piece of sacred music, any song of praise or gladness

  33. Anther (n) : not the same, one more

  34. Anthology (n) : a collection of specially chosen poems, stories etc.

  35. Anticipate (v) : to foresee, expect

  36. Antidote (n) : a counter-poison

  37. Antipathy (n) : natural dislike

  38. Antiquary (n) : one who is interested in the study of the past

  39. Antique (adj) : ancient, odd, old fashioned

  40. Antiquity (n) : ancient times

  41. Antiseptic (n) : a medicine of that kind

  42. Antler (n) : the horn of a deer

Vocabulary Lesson Plans for 17th January :

English Vocabulary Index

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