Vocabulary Lesson for 14th January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Lesson for 14th January :

  1. Ambush (v) : lie in wait for, attack from a place of concealment

  2. Ameliorable (adj) : which can be bettered

  3. Ameliorate(v) : improve, to make better, become better

  4. Amelioration (n) : improvement progress

  5. Ameliorative (adj) : improving tending or enabling to become better

  6. Amen (inter) : so let it be

  7. Amenable (adj) : yielding, submissive, responsible

  8. Amend (v ) : correct, improve, become better, alter in minor details

  9. Amend (adj) : amendable

  10. Amendment (n) : correction, alteration, motion for alteration, the changing as of a law

  11. Amends (n) : compensation for loss, damage, injury and the like, satisfaction, reparation

  12. Amenity (n) : attractiveness

  13. American (adj) : pertaining to America,(n) : citizen of America

  14. Amethyst (n) : a precious stone purple or violet-blue in colour

  15. Amiable (adj) : lovable, of sweet disposition, good natured attractive, friendly

  16. Amicable (adj) : agreeable, friendly, peaceful

  17. Amicide (n) : murder of a friend

  18. Amid (prep) : among, in the middle of, in the course of

  19. Amidst (prep) : among, in the middle of, in the course of

  20. Amiss (adv & adj) : wrong, improper, wrongly, out of

  21. order, faulty, inappropriate, To mistake

  22. Amity (n) : friendship, mutual good-will

  23. Ammeter (n) : instrument for measuring electric currents

  24. Ammonia (n) : a pungent-smelling gas

  25. Ammunition (n) : military stores of explosives means used in war

  26. Amnesia (n) : loss of memory

  27. Amnesty (n) : a general pardon

  28. Amnesty (v) : grant pardon, release

  29. Amnion (n) : innermost foetal membrane, sac containing the amnistic fluid and the Embryo (pl) : amnions, amnia

  30. Amoeba (n) : microscopic living organism

  31. Among (prep) : amidst between, surrounded by, along with

  32. Amongst (prep) : amidst between, surrounded by, along with Amorous (adj) : loving, enamoured

  33. Amorphous (adj) : irregular in shape, shapeless, characterless

  34. Amount (v) : reach, come in effect, result in

  35. Amount (n) : total of various quantities, value

  36. Ampere (n) : unit of electric current

Vocabulary Lesson for 14th January :

English Vocabulary Index

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