Vocabulary Lessons
English Vocabulary Index
Vocabulary Lessons for 21st July :
- Nominative (n) : subject of a verb
Nominee (n): one nominated
Nonage (n) : minority
Nonagenarian (n) : one who is ninety years old
Nonce (n): the present occasion
Nonchalant (adj.) : wanting in vigour, without excitement, cool, indifferent
Non-co-operation (n) : a movement in which co-operation with authorities is denied
Nondescript (adj.): not easily classified, indescribable, odd
None (pron.) : no one
Nonentity (n) : a person of no importance, non-existence
Nonplus (v) : to puzzle, perplex
Nonsense (n) : absence of meaning, meaningless words
Non-stop (adj.) : not stopping
Non-stop (adv.) : not stopping
Noodle (n) : a fool
Nook (n): corner, secluded place, nook and corner
Noon (n) : midday
Noose (n) : a running knot
Noose (v) : to entrap
Nor (conj) : and not
Norm (n): a rule, pattern or type
Normal (adj.) : regular, according to rules
North (n): the direction to the left hand side of a person looking towards the rising, sun
North (adj.) : situated in the north
North-east (n) : direction between north and east
Northerly (adj. & adv): pertaining to the north, towards the north
Northern (adj.) : situated in or towards the north
Northern-most (adj.) : situated at the furthest of north
Nose (n) : the organ of the sense of smell
Nose (v) : to smell
Nosegay (n): a bunch of flowers
Nostalgia (n): ;morbid longing for home, homesickness
Nostril (n) : one of the two external openings of the nose
Nostrum (n): patent, a medicine
Not (adv) : word expressing negation
Notable (n) : distinguished
Notary (n) : a testifying legal officer
Notation (n) : act of nothing, nothing by figure
Notch (n) : a V shaped cut, a nick
Notch (v) : cut like a V
Noted (adj.) : famous
Noteworthy (adj.) : remarkable
Nothing (n) : not anything
Notice (n) : information, intimation, observation, warning
Notice (v) : observe
Vocabulary Lessons for 21st July :
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