Vocabulary Lessons for 15th January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Lessons for 15th January :

  1. Ample (adj) : plenty, large enough, more than enough, extensive, sufficient

  2. Amplification (n) : expand, enlarge, make louder, increase the sound

  3. Amplitude (n) : plenty, dignity, greatness

  4. Amply (adv) : copiously, sufficiently, liberally

  5. Amputate (v) : to cut off (part off the human or animal body)

  6. Amuck (adv) : run amuck:(run about), in a frenzy

  7. Amok (adv) : run amuck:(run about), in a frenzy

  8. Amulet (n) : something worn about to protect the wearer from evil, witchcraft

  9. Amuse (v) : make pleasant and ch eerful, entertain, to make one laugh or smile

  10. Amusement (n) : pastime, pleasant, diversion

  11. An (art) : one <

  12. b>Anachronic (adj) : out of date

  13. Anachronism (n) : chronological error, something not in harmony with the period

  14. Anaconda (n) : a kind of large snake

  15. Anaemia (n) : paleness due to lack of blood, want of blood

  16. Anaemic (adj) : suffering from anaemia (or lack of blood)

  17. Anaesthesias (n) : condition of insensibility, unconsciousness, act of causing such a state

  18. Anaesthetic (adj) : producing insensibility to pain

  19. Anaesthetize (v) : administer an anaesthetic, make insensible

  20. Analeptic (adj) : giving vigour

  21. Analeptic (n) : such a remedy

  22. Analgesic (n) : anodyne, pain reliving medicine

  23. Analogous (adj) : similar, parallel

  24. Analogy (n) : likeness, agreement, similarity

  25. Analogy (adj) : analogical; implying an analogy

  26. Analyse (v) : break or split a thing into its component parts

  27. Analysis (n) : a breaking of a thing its elements or parts, resolving a thing into elements or parts, (plu) : analyses

  28. Analyst (n) : one engagaed in (chemical) analysis

  29. Analytic (adj) : pertaining to analysis

  30. Analytical (adj) : relating to analysis

  31. Analytical (adv) : analytically; in an analytical manner

  32. Anarchy (n) : a revolutionary, anarchist

  33. Anarchic (adj) : having no civic rule, disturbed, lawless

  34. Anarchical (adj) : having no civic rule, disturbed, lawless

  35. Anarchically (adv) : in the manner of anarchy

  36. Anarchy (n) : a state of lawlessness in a contrary, disorder or confusion

  37. Anathema (n) : curse, hated

Vocabulary Lessons for 15th January :

English Vocabulary Index

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