Vocabulary List
English Vocabulary Index
Vocabulary List for 10th September :
- Recruit (n): newly enlisted soldier, one who joins a society, group etc.
Recruit (v): to enlist, refresh, reinstate
Rectangle (n): a four side right angled oblong plane figure
Rectify (v): make right, correct, purify
Rectify (n): rectification
Rectitude (n): upright conduct, honesty
Rector (n): a principal, head of a university, college or school, parson
Rectum (n): the lower part of the large intestine
Recumbent (adj.): lying down
Recuperate (v): restore, gain back, recover, get well after illness
Recuperate (n): recuperation
Recur (v): happen again, be repeated
Recurrence (n): the act of occurring again
Recusant (n): one who refuses to accept rules and regulations of the authority
Red (adj.): the colour of blood, be caught red-handed, red-letter day, be in the red
Red (n): the colour of blood, be caught red-handed, red-letter day, be in the red
Redan (n): a rampart with two faces forming salient angle
Redeem (v): rescue, save, fulfil
Redemption (n): deliverance or rescue, salvation
Red-hand (adj.): with hand red with blood, in the very act
Red-handed (adj.): with hand red with blood, in the very act
Redoubt (n): defence, a fortification
Redress (v): set right, make up for
Redress (n): compensation
Reduce (v): lessen, shorten, lower, weaken, subdue
Redundant (adj.): excessive, superfluous
Reduplicate (v): double, repeat
Reed (n): a musical instrument, a tall grass with hollow stems growing in or near water
Reet (n): the fold of a sail
Reet (v): reduce the area by folding a part
Reef (n): a line or ledge of rocks (esp. lying under the surface of water)
Reek (n): smoke
Reel (n): a winding frame for yarn, cord, wire etc.
Reinforce (v): enforce
Refectory (n): a refreshment room, a dining hall
Refer (v): allude, consult, apply to
Referee (n): umpire
Reference (n): a mention, looking into a book, a note telling where certain information may be found
Refine (v): make free from impurities
Refined (n): purified
Refinery (n): a place for purifying things
Refit (v): repair, reinstate
Reflect (v): throw back, send back an image of
Vocabulary List for 10th September :
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