Vocabulary List for 18th January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary List for 18th January :

  1. Antonym (n) : a word having an opposite meaning

  2. Anvil (n) : an iron block on which a blacksmith words

  3. Anxiety (n) : uneasiness of mind, care, concern

  4. Anxious (adj) : worried about what may happen

  5. Any (adj, prop & adv) : some, whoever

  6. Anybody (n & pro) : any person

  7. Anyhow (adv) : in any way

  8. Anywhere (adv) : in any place

  9. Aorta (n) : chief blood vessel leading from the heart

  10. Apace (adv) : at a quick pace

  11. Apart (adv) : separately, aside

  12. Apartment (n) : a separated room in a house

  13. Apathy (n) : lack of feeling

  14. Ape (v) : imitate blindly

  15. Aperture (n) : an opening, hole, gap

  16. Apex (n) : summit

  17. Aphelion (n) : the point farthest from the sun

  18. Aphorism (n) : adage, a proverb, saying

  19. Apiary (n) : a place here bees are kept

  20. Apiece (adv) : for each piece or thing

  21. Apology (n) : expressing open regret for some offence

  22. Apoplexy (n) : a kind of fit caused by injuries to blood vessel in the brain

  23. Apostle (n) : one sent to preach the gospel, a messenger

  24. Apostrophe (n) : a sign of omission of a letter

  25. Apothecary (n) : a druggist, one who sells medicines

  26. Appalling (adj) : shocking

  27. Apparatus (n) : materials or things used for an experiment or other aim

  28. Apparel (n) : dress

  29. Apparent (adj) : obvious, easily seen

  30. Apparition (n) : ghost

  31. Appeal (v) : make a request, take one’s case to a higher court

  32. Appear (v) : come into view

  33. Appearance (n) : the external aspect, showing oneself

  34. Appease (v) : pacify

  35. Appellant (n) : one who appeals in a court of law

  36. Appendix (n) : addition

  37. Appetite (n) : hunger, desire for food

  38. Applaud (v) : praise

  39. Applause (n) : praise, loudly, clapping of hands

  40. Apple (n) : a kind of fruit, pupil of the eye

  41. Applicant (n) : one who applies

  42. Application (n) : petition, putting to use

  43. Apply (v) : put use

  44. Appoint (v) : fix

Vocabulary List for 18th January :

English Vocabulary Index

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