
Vocabulary-Literature is the list of words denoting Literature.

Vocabulary-Literature will help you improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

• Diary…A book in which the events of each day are recorded

• Dictionary…A book containing the words of a language with their definitions in an alphabetical order

• Directory…A book of names and addresses

• Ledger…A book of accounts showing debits and credits

• Encyclopedia…A book containing information on all branches of knowledge

• Album…A book with blank pages for putting pictures etc…

• Catalogue…A list of books in a library

• Bibliography… A list of books in a library

• Glossary…A list of explanation for the important words

• Memoirs…A written account, usually in a book form, of the interesting experiences of one’s life

• Watermark…The trade mark of the maker seen on paper

• Wiseacre…One who pretends to have a great deal of knowledge

• Epitome…A brief summary of book

• Excerpt…An extract from a book of writing

• Caption…The heading of the chapter in a book

• Axiom…A statement which is accepted as true without proof

• Agenda…A list of headings to be executed in a meeting

• Jargon…Language which is confused

• Manifesto…A declaration of plans put forward by a candidate for an election

• Expurgate…To remove the offensive portions from a book

• Extant…Still in use

• Frontispiece…A picture facing the title of the book

• Copyright…The exclusive right of an author or his heirs to publish or sell copies of his books

• Erratum…An error in printing

• Facsimile…An exact copy of handwriting or a picture

• Criterion…A principle by which anything is judged

• Extempore…Delivered without previous preparation

• Impromptu… Delivered without previous preparation

• Prologue…A short speech by a player at the beginning of a play

• Epilogue… A short speech by a player at the end of a play

• Plagiarism…Passing of another author’s works as one’s own

• Eulogy…A writing or a speech in praise of a person

• Encomium… A writing or a speech in praise of a person

• Autograph…A person’s own handwriting

• Autobiography…A record of one’s life written by himself

• Biography…The history of life of a person

• Comedy…A humorous play having a happy ending

• Tragedy…A play with sad or tragic end

• Dirge…A mournful song for the dead

• Elegy…A poem of lamentation especially for the dead

• Dialogue…a conversation between two persons

• Soliloquy…Speaking to oneself

• Lucubration…Study by night

• Alliteration…A succession of the same initial letters in a passage

• Memorandum…A note to help the memory

• Inventory…A list of articles pr goods available at a time

• Peroration…The concluding part of the speech

• Harangue…A vehement speech indented to excite passions

• Gesticulate…To make expressive gestures while speaking

• Hackneyed…Language that is very much used

• Enunciate…To pronounce the words distinctively

• Dramatist…One who writes a play

• Playwright… One who writes a play

• Acrostic…A poem in which the first letters of each line, taken in order, form a name or a sentence

Vocabulary-Literature is the list of words denoting Literature.

Vocabulary-Literature will help you improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.


Go to the Vocabulary Index Page



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