
Vocabulary-Nature is the list of words related to Nature.

Vocabulary-Nature will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

• Amphibious…At home equally on land and in water

• Gregarious…Living or moving in flocks or herds

• Hibernation…the dormant condition in which the plants and animals pass the winter

• Deciduous…trees which lose their leaves annually

• Ruminant…A cud-chewing animals (e.g. a cow)

• Rodent…A gnawing animal e.g. a rat

• Quadruped…A four-footed animal

• Marsupials…Animals which carry their young in a pouch e.g. kangaroo

• Humus…Soil composed largely of decayed vegetable matter

• Alluvium…Soil washed down or carried away by rivers

• Insecticide…A preparation for killing insects

• Parasite…A plant or animal growing on another

• Annual…Lasting for a single year

• Biennial…Lasting for two years

• Perennial…Lasting for many years

• Embryo…That part of the seed which develops into the plant

• Germ… That part of the seed which develops into the plant

• Radicle…That part of the embryo which develops into the root

• Plumule… That part of the embryo which develops into the stem

• Germination…The process by which the young plant begins to grow

• Transpiration…The process by which the plants excess water through their leaves

• Assimilation…The process by which the plants manufacture food

• Respiration…The process by which the plants and the animals breathe

• Absorption…The process by which the plants take up mineral salts in solution through their roots

• Stomata…Tiny opening on the under surface of leaves through which the plants breathe

• Chlorophyll…The green coloring matter in the leaves of plants
• Cambium…A slimy substance between wood and bark of a stem

• Stipules…A two leaf-like appendages at the base of few leaves

• Tendril…A spiral shoots of a plant which winds itself round another body for support

• Pollination…The process by which the pollen dust is transferred

• Fertilization…The entrance of pollen grains into the ovules in the ovary

• Dibble…An instrument for making holes in the soil for seeds

• Naturalist…One who studies plants and animal life

• Offal…The parts of animal killed for foods which are rejected waste

• Ore…Rock from which metal is extracted

• Spoor…The track of a wild animal

• Venison…The meat of deer

• Mutton…The meat of Sheep

• Inflorescence…A cluster of flowers on a branch

• Cotyledon…The seed-leaves of the embryo

• Mono-cotyledonous…Plants with one seed-leaf e.g. corn

• Di-cotyledonous…Plants with two seed-leaf e.g. lime

• Rhizome…A thick underground stem

• Vertebrate…An animal with back-bone

• Invertebrate…An animal without back-bone

• Kernel…That which is in inside of the nuts

• Core…the central part of a fruit

• Fauna…The animal of a certain region

• Flora…The plants and other vegetation of a certain region

• Chrysalis…The last through which an insect passes before it becomes a perfect insect

• Drought…Absence of rain for a long time
Vocabulary-Nature is the list of words related to Nature.

Vocabulary-Nature will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

Go to the Vocabulary Index Page


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