
Vocabulary-Negatives is the list of words related to Nature.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

• Impenetrable…That which can not be pierced or penetrated

• Impregnable…That which can not be taken by assault

• Impassable…That which can not be passed

• Invincible…That which can be conquered

• Invulnerable…That which can not be wounded or injured

• Irreducible…That which can not be lessened

• Irreparable…That which can not be repaired or remedied

• Irreplaceable…That which can not be replaced in case of loss

• Inimitable…That which can not be imitated

• Ineffaceable…That which can not be rubbed out

• Indelible…That which can not be rubbed out

• Indestructible…Incapable of being destroyed

• Infallible…Incapable of making errors

• Incorrigible…Incapable of being redeemed form evil

• Incombustible…Incapable of being burnt

• Inevitable…That which can not be prevented or avoided

• Inexplicable…That which can be made plain or understood

• Imperishable…Enduring for all times

• Impervious…Not admitting the passage of waters

• Inanimate…Not endued with animal life

• Indispensable…Absolutely necessary or that which can not be dispensed with

• Irrelevant…Not to the point

• Immortal…Unable to die

• Immovable…that which can not be moved

• Inaudible…That which can not be heard

• Invisible…That which can not be seen

• Aphonia……Total loss of voice

• Contumacy…Willful resistant to the lawful authority

• Antic…A fantastic trick

Vocabulary-Negatives is the list of words related to Nature.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

Go to the 'Vocabulary Index' Page



