Vocabulary Review

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Review for 27th May :

  1. Impossibility (n) : impracticality

  2. Impossible (adj.) : not possible

  3. Impost (n) : tax

  4. Impostor (n) : one who deceives by false pretences

  5. Imposture (n) : deception by means of false pretences

  6. Impotent (adj.) : weak, lacking in manly sexual capacity

  7. Impound (v) : to seize by legal authority, to shut up (animal) in a pound

  8. Impoverish (v) : to make poor, render less fertile, weaken

  9. Impracticable (adj.) : not able to be done

  10. Imprecate (v) : to call down curses upon

  11. Impregnable (adj.) : able to with stand any attack

  12. Impress (v) : imprint, press, stamp, fix deeply in the mind

  13. Impression (n) : idea, mark made by pressure, number of copies of book etc., printed at one time

  14. Impressionable (adj.) : easily affected, sensitive to impressions

  15. Impressive (adj.) : creating a great effect on the mind and the feelings

  16. Imprison (v) : to confine in a prison

  17. Imprisonment (n) : confining in a prison

  18. Improbability (n) : that which is not likely to happen

  19. Improbable (adj.) : not likely to be true or to happen

  20. Impromptu (adj.) : done without previous preparation

  21. Improper (adj.) : not suitable, incorrect

  22. Improve (v) : to make or become better, utilize

  23. Improvement (n) : not providing for future needs

  24. Improvident (adj.) : not providing for future needs

  25. Improvise (v) : to devise on the spur of the moment

  26. Imprudence (n) : rashness

  27. Imprudent (adj.) : uncautious, rash, foolhardy

  28. Impudence (n) : insolence, shamelessness

  29. Impudent (adj.) : shameless, bold, rude

  30. Impugn (v) : to attack in argument

  31. Impulse (n) : force, incentive, motive

  32. Impunity (n) : dirtiness, adulteration

  33. Impure (adj.) : not pure, dirty immoral

  34. Impurity (n) : dirtiness, adulteration

  35. Impute (v) : to blame for, ascribe

  36. In (prep.) : inside of

  37. Inability (n) : lack of power or means

Vocabulary Review for 27th May :

English Vocabulary Index

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