Vocabulary Teaching Strategies

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Teaching Strategies for 30th August :

  1. Propriety (n) : reasonableness, fitness, decency

  2. Prorogation (n) : prolongation, adjournment

  3. Prorogue (v) : prolong, adjourn

  4. Prosaic (adj.) : unimaginative, dull

  5. Pros and cons (n) : reasons for and against

  6. Proscribe (v): denounce, interdict, outlaw

  7. Prose (n) : ordinary writing without metrical structure

  8. Prosecute (v) : take legal action in a court

  9. Prosecution (n) : act of prosecuting, the prosecuting side

  10. Prosecutor (n) : the law officer who leads a case against a prisoner

  11. Prosody (n) : the principles of verse-making

  12. Prospect (n) : wide view, looking forward to, expectation, something which is expected hoped for

  13. Prospective (adj.) : anticipated, future

  14. Prospectus (n) : an announcement or booklet setting forth the main features

  15. Prosper (v) : get on well, thrive, succeed

  16. Prosperity (n) : good fortune, wealth condition

  17. Prosperous (adj.) : flourishing, well off

  18. Prostitute (n) : harlot, base hireling

  19. Prostitute (v) : put to base us

  20. Prostrate (v) : stretched out, prone, suppliant, overcome

  21. Prostrate (adj.) : lying flat with the face to the ground, defenceless

  22. Protect (v) : guard, keep from danger or harm

  23. Protective (adj.) : affording shelter or protection

  24. Protégé (adj.) : one who is under the care of another

  25. Protein (n) : an important constituent of food rich in nitrogen

  26. Protest (v) : affirm strongly object

  27. Protest (n) : statement of disapproval

  28. Prototype (n) : the first or original type, a pattern

  29. Protract (v) : lengthen, delay

  30. Protractor (n) : an instrument for measuring and drawing angles

  31. Protrude (v) : project outward

  32. Proud (adj.) : vain, haughty, arrogant

  33. Prove (v) : demonstrate, verify, turn out

  34. Provender (n): fodder

  35. Proverb (n): a wise saying, a maxim

  36. Proverbial (adj.) : widely known, relating to proverb

  37. Provide (v) : supply, prepare, arrange

Vocabulary Teaching Strategies for 30th August :

English Vocabulary Index

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