Vocabulary Website

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Website for 2nd June :

  1. Inference (n) : interpretation judgement, a hint

  2. Inferior (adj.) : lower in rank, of less value of quality

  3. Inferiority (n) : subordination

  4. Infernal(adj.) : malevolent, of hell

  5. Infest (v) : annoy, attack, crowd

  6. Infidel (n) : person with no belief in religion

  7. Infidelity (n) : unfaithfulness, disbelief

  8. Infiltrate (v) : intervene, to filter, through

  9. Infinite (adj.) : without end or limit, that cannot be measured

  10. Infinitesimal (adj.) : minute

  11. Infinitive (n) : form of verb not showing person, number of tense

  12. Infirm (adj.) : feeble, sick

  13. Inflame (v) : burn, stir up

  14. Inflammable (adj.) : easily combustible, easily excited

  15. Inflammation (n) : setting on fire, place in the body where there is redness, swelling and pain

  16. Inflammatory (adj.) : causing fire, giving rise to swelling, rousing, to excitement

  17. Inflate (v) : fill with air or gas, raise the value abnormally

  18. Inflation (n) : the act of blowing up, expansion of the supply of money

  19. Inflexible (adj.) : not able to be bent, not yielding

  20. Inflict (v) : give pain, to lay on

  21. Infliction (n) : painful experience, punishment

  22. Influence (n) : power exercised over man or things

  23. Influential (adj.) : having great influence

  24. Influenza (n) : a kind of infectious disease

  25. Influx (n) : a flowing in

  26. Inform (v) : communicate, mention

  27. Informal (adj.) : without formality

  28. Informant (n) : one who gives information

  29. Information (n) : knowledge, communication

  30. Infrequent (adj.) : uncommon

  31. Infringe (v) : break through

  32. Infuriate (v) : fill with anger

  33. Infuse (v) : to pour in, instil

  34. Ingathering (n) : gathering in, harvest

  35. Ingenious (adj.) : shrewd, able

  36. Ingenuity (n) : shrewdness, ability

  37. Ingenuous (adj.) : straightforward, innocent

  38. Inglorious (adj.) : shameful, dishonourable obscure

  39. Ingot (n) : lump of metal

Vocabulary Website for 2nd June :

English Vocabulary Index

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