Vocabulary Words List

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Words List for 17th May :

  1. Hilt (n) : handle of a sword

  2. Hilt (v) : provide a handle to

  3. Him (pronoun) : the objective case of HE

  4. Himself (pronoun) : emphatic and reflexive form of HIM

  5. Hind (adj.) : backward, female of red deer, a peasant

  6. Hinder (v) : obstruct, keep back

  7. Hindermost (adj.) : behind all others

  8. Hindrance (n) : obstacle

  9. Hindu (n) : a follower of Hinduism

  10. Hinduism (n) : a religion

  11. Hinge (n) : the joint of a door

  12. Hinge (n) : depend upon

  13. Hint (v) : refer to, suggest

  14. Hint (n) : allusion

  15. Hinterland (n) : district behind coast or river bank

  16. Hip (n) : bony part of the body just above the thigh

  17. Hippo (n) : a large thick skinned African river animal

  18. Hippopotamus (n) : a large thick skinned African river animal

  19. Hire (v) : engage for pay

  20. Hire (n) : wages, salary

  21. Hireling (n) : a mercenary

  22. His (adj.) : belonging to him

  23. His (possessive pronoun) : belonging to him

  24. Hiss (v) : whizz, whistle

  25. Hiss (n) : such a sound

  26. Historian (n) : a chronicler

  27. Historic (adj.) : noted in history

  28. History (n) : past events of a nation’s progress

  29. Histrionic (adj.) : theatrical

  30. Hit (v) : blow, make unhappy remark

  31. Hit (n) : strike

  32. Hitch (n) : an obstacle, catch

  33. Hitch (v) : jerk, struggle, attach

  34. Hither (adv.) : here, to this time or place

  35. Hitherto (adv) : up to this time or place

  36. Hive (n) : a box for bees

  37. Hoar (adj.) : grey

  38. Hoard (n) : store, treasure

  39. Hoard (v) : amass, collect

  40. Hoarfrost (n) : white frost

  41. Hoarse (adj.) : rough, husky

  42. Hoarse (adv.) : hoarsely

  43. Hoary (adj.) : very old, venerable

  44. Hoax (n) : cheat, joke

  45. Hoax (n) : (v) : deceive

  46. Hob (n) : hub, shelf

  47. Hobby (n) : favourite, pursuit

  48. Hobgoblin (n) : bogy, elf, imp

  49. Hobnob (v) : associate or drink together

  50. Hockey (n) : a game played with curved sticks

  51. Hoe (n) : weeder spade

  52. Hog (n) : swine, a animal of the pig kind

  53. Hogshead (n) : 521/2 or 54gallons, a big cask

Vocabulary Words List for 17th May :

English Vocabulary Index

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