Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Examples

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Examples for 19th May :

  1. Hoopoe (n) : a beautiful bird

  2. Hoopoo (n) : a beautiful bird

  3. Hoot (v) : cry like an owl

  4. Hoot (n) : an out cry

  5. Hop (v) : skip, jump; spring

  6. Hop (n) : a jump

  7. Hope (n) : expectation and desire

  8. Hope (v) : long for, expect

  9. Horary (adj.) : hourly

  10. Horde (n) : a wandering tribe, a multitude

  11. Horizon (n) : the apparent line connecting the earth and the sky

  12. Horizontal (adj.) : level

  13. Horn (n) : a projection, feeler

  14. Horn (v) : play on the horn

  15. Hornet (n) : large species of wasp

  16. Horoscope (n) : representation of Zodiac, sun and planets at the time of a person’s birth

  17. Horrible (adj.) : frightful

  18. Horrify (v) : frighten, terrify

  19. Horror (n) : terror which instils fear

  20. Horror (adj) : horrid

  21. Horse (n) : a quadruped, cavalry, frame

  22. Horse gram (n) : a grain used as food for horses

  23. Horsemanship (n) : skill in riding

  24. Horseplay (n) : touch handling

  25. Horseshoe (n) : an iron shoe for horses

  26. Horticulture (n) : growing flowers, fruits and vegetables

  27. Hosier (n) : a dealer in hose, stockings, etc,

  28. Hosiery (n) : woollen goods

  29. Hospitable (adj.) : given to entertaining guests

  30. Hospital (n) : a place for treating sick people

  31. Hospitality (n) : friendly reception of guests

  32. Host (n) : entertainer, innkeeper, an army, multitude

  33. Hostage (n) : a person given or taken as a pledge

  34. Hostel (n) : an inn, lodging house, residence for students

  35. Hostile (adj.) : adverse, warlike, unfriendly

  36. Hostility (n) : enmity, warfare

  37. Holster (n) : a groom in an inn

  38. Hot (adj.) : having much heat pungent, violent

  39. Hotbed (n) : a place made fertile for raising seedlings

  40. Hotel (n) : an inn to receive paying guests

  41. Hot-headed (adj.) : violent, impetuous

  42. Hothouse (n) : a conservatory

  43. Hound (n) : hunting dog

  44. Hound (v) : hunt with a hound

  45. Hour (n) : a period of 60 minutes

  46. Hourglass (n) : a glass for measuring time

Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Examples for 19th May :

English Vocabulary Index

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