Vocabulary Worksheet

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Worksheet for 20th November :

  1. Thesaurus (n) : a from of lexicon containing a collection of words phrases or selected passages from literature

  2. These (adj.) : demonstrative plural of this

  3. These (pron.) : demonstrative plural of this

  4. Thews (n & pl) : muscles, sinews

  5. They (pron.) : plural form of he, she or it

  6. Thick (adj.) : not thin, crowded together, heavy

  7. Thicket (n) : make thick

  8. Thicken (v) : make thick

  9. Thickness (n) : the state or quality of being think, density, closeness

  10. Thickest (adj.) : having a short stout body closely planted

  11. Thick skinned (adj.) : not easily hurt, not sensitive to insult, reproach, etc.

  12. Thick skull (n) : a stupid person

  13. Thief (n) : a robber, on who seals

  14. Thin (adj.) : slim, lean, not thick, strong

  15. Thine (pron.) : the possessive of thou

  16. Thing (n) : any object, idea, an act

  17. Thick (v) : to produce or form in the mind, believe, get an idea, make use of one’s mind

  18. Thinking (n) : thought, mental action

  19. Third (adj.) : following the second

  20. Thirst (n) : strong desire for drink, a longing or craving

  21. Thirteen (adj.) : ten plus three

  22. Thirteen (n) : ten plus three

  23. Thirty (adj.) : three times ten

  24. Thirty (n) : three times ten

  25. This (adj.) : used to points out some thing near in place or time

  26. Thistle (n) : a prickly plant

  27. Thong (n) : a narrow strip of leather

  28. Thorax (n) : part of the body between the neck and the abdomen

  29. Thorn (n) : a prickle

  30. Thorny (adj.) : full of thorns, painful, vexatious

  31. Thorough (adj.) : complete. detailed

  32. Thoroughfare (n) : public way, passage

  33. Thorough going (adj.) : very thorough , unmitigated

  34. Thoroughness (n) : completeness, perfectness

  35. Thorp, Thorpe (n) : a hamlet

  36. Those (pron.) : plural of that

  37. Thou (pron.) : the 2nd person nominative singular

  38. Though (conj) : however, even in spite of the fact that

  39. Thought (n) : the product of thinking, idea, plan, design

  40. Thoughtful (adj.) : attentive, considerate

  41. Thoughtless (adj.) : lacking in thought or care

  42. Thousand (adj.) : ten times hundred

  43. Thousand (n) : ten times hundred

  44. Thraldom (n) : slavery, any sort of bondage

  45. Thrall (n) : a slave, slavery

  46. Thrash (v) : to beat out and separate the grain from the straw (or) husks, to beat violently

  47. Thresh (v) : to beat out and separate the grain from the straw (or) husks, to beat violently

Vocabulary Worksheet for 20th November :

English Vocabulary Index

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