Vocabulary for CAT

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary for CAT for 6th June :

  1. Intelligence (n) : wisdom, quick understanding, information

  2. Intelligent (adj.): having intelligence

  3. Intelligentsia (n) : educated intelligent people

  4. Intelligible (adj.): understandable

  5. Intemperate (adj.) : immoderate addicted to drinking

  6. Intend (v) : design, to mean

  7. Intense (adj.) : in a high degree, violent

  8. Intensify (n) : make severe, aggravate

  9. Intensity (n) : severity

  10. Intensive (adj.) : giving force, concentrated, serving, to increase production of a given order

  11. Intent (n) : purpose, aim

  12. Intent (adj.) : fixed, eager, thoughtful

  13. Intention (n) : purpose, idea

  14. Intentional (adj.) : done on purpose

  15. Inter (v) : to bury

  16. Inter (prep.) : between

  17. Intercede (v) : plead on behalf of another

  18. Intercept (v) : stop on the way, arrest, hinder

  19. Interchange (v) : to put one in the place of another

  20. Intercourses (n) : mutual exchange, communication

  21. Interdependent (adj.) : mutually dependent

  22. Interest (n) : advantage, benefit, curiosity, extra, sum paid for the loan of money

  23. Interesting (adj.) : attractive

  24. Interfere (v) : to meddle, hinder

  25. Interim (n) :the time between

  26. Interim (adj.) : happening in the mean time

  27. Interior (n & adj.) : inland, inside of anything

  28. Interject (v) : interrupt

  29. Interjection (n) : word or words used as an exclamation

  30. Interlace (v) : to weave or twine together

  31. Interlard (v) : to scatter in amongst

  32. Interleaf (n) : a blank paper between leaves of a book

  33. Interline (v): to write between the lines

  34. Interlock (v) : lock within each other

  35. Interloper (n) : one who interferes without right

  36. Interlude (n) : pause between the acts of a drama, a short entertainment like magic in the interval

  37. Intermarriage (n) : marriage between persons of different castes or tribes

  38. Intermediary (n) : mediator

  39. Intermediate (adj.) : situated between

  40. Interment (n) : burial

  41. Intermezzo (n) : short music played in between the scenes of a drama

  42. Interminable (adj.) : never ending

Vocabulary for CAT for 6th June :

English Vocabulary Index

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