What is the difference between Decent and Dissent and Descent?

What is the difference between Decent and Dissent and Descent? :

Decent : (adjective)

1 ) Proper, acceptable

You must provide decent housing for the poor.

2 ) Modest, not likely to embarrass others

She was wearing decent clothes.

Never tell stories that are not decent.

3 ) Satisfactory

Quite good

Are you earning a decent living?

That was quite a decent lunch.

He is thoroughly a decent man.

Dissent : (verb)

1 ) Have or express opinions from which are opposed to official views

I strongly dissent from what the last speaker has said.

Descent : (noun)

1 ) Coming or going down

The plane began its descent into Patna.

2 ) Slope

3 ) Ancestry


He traces his descent from the Mughal Kings.

4 ) Inconvenient or unexpected visit

There was a sudden descent by tax-officials.

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