What is the difference between Lend and Land?

What is the difference between Lend and Land? :

Lend : (verb)

1 ) Give or allow use of something temporarily

Can you lend me hundred rupees?

2 ) Contribute or add something to something

His presence lent dignity to the occasion.

A little garlic lends flavor to a sauce.

Land : (noun)

1 ) Solid part of the earth’s surface

They traveled over the land for ten kilometers.

2 ) Ground or soil as used for a particular purpose

Do you have arable land?

Land : (verb)

1 ) Go on land from a ship

We landed at Mumbai.

2 ) Bring an aircraft down to the ground

The pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.

3 ) Come down to the ground

We shall be landing at Delhi airport shortly.

4 ) Succeed in obtaining something against strong competition

He landed in a good job.

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