What is the difference between Mast and Must?

What is the difference between Mast and Must? :

Mast : (noun)

1 ) Upright post or wood or metal used to support a ship’s sail

2 ) Tall pole

3 ) Tall steel structure for the aerials of a radio or TV transmitter


t :
(modal verb)

1 ) Indicating obligation

I must go to the bank to get some money.

2 ) Indicating advice or recommendation

I must ask you not to do that again.

3 ) Drawing a logical conclusion

You must be hungry after your long walk.

They must be twins.

He must have known what she wanted.

Must :


1 ) Thing that must be done, seen, heard, etc…

Her new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.

2 ) Grape juice before fermentation has changed it inot wine

Is must good for health?

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