Wise Words

English Vocabulary Index

Wise Words for 15th December :

  1. Vide (v) : look at, refer to

  2. Vide licet (adv.) : namely, that is (abbreviation viz)

  3. Vie (v) : strive for superiority, contest, compete

  4. View (n) : scene, sight, opinion

  5. View (v) : look at, think about

  6. View-point (n) : standpoint, opinion

  7. Vigilant (adj.) : watchful, cautious

  8. Vigorous (adj.) : active, strong, powerful, energetic

  9. Vile (adj.) : morally bash, of bad quality, atrocious, valueless

  10. Vilification (n) : defaming abuse

  11. Vilify (v) : abuse, defame, to slander

  12. Villa (n) : a country residence

  13. Village (n) : small community in a rural district smaller than a town

  14. Villain (n) : wicked person, a rogue

  15. Villainous (adj.) : wicked, very bad

  16. Villainy (n) : villainous conduct, wickedness

  17. Vim (n) : activity, vigour

  18. Vincible (adj.) : capable of being overcome

  19. Vindicate (v) : prove the truth, justify, assert, a claim

  20. Vindictive (adj.) : revengeful

  21. Vine (n) : climbing plants (grapes)

  22. Vinegar (n) : an impure form of acetic acid

  23. Vineyard (n) : place where vine is grown

  24. Vintage (n) : the amount of grapes grown in a year

  25. Vintage (adj.) : of high quality esp. from the past

  26. Viola (n) : a kind of violin

  27. Violable (adj.) : that may be broken or violated or transgressed

  28. Violate (n) : violation

  29. Violate (v) : transgress, ravish

  30. Violence (n) : illegal force, attack vehemence, outrage

  31. Violent (adj.) : furious, fierce, severe

  32. Violet (n) : a bluish-purple colour, a garden plant and its flower

  33. Violin (n) : a stringed musical instrument played with a bow, a fiddle

  34. Viper (n) : a venomous snake

  35. Virago (n) : a turbulent woman

  36. Virgin (n) : girl or woman having not enjoyed sexual union so far

  37. Virgo (n) : the virgin in the zodiac

  38. Virile (adj.) : showing the masculine characteristics

  39. Virility (n) : manliness

  40. Virtual (adj.) : in effect, real

  41. Virtue (n) : excellent, goodness, (esp. moral) chastity, merit

  42. Virtuous (adj.) : having virtue

Wise Words for 15th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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