Words of Comfort
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Words of Comfort for 30th December :
- Yacht (n) : a large pleasure boat or small ship
Yacht (v) : sail in a yacht
Yak (n) : a long haired wild ox of Tibet and the Himalayas used as a beast of burden
Yam (n) : a kind of large edible root
Yankee (n) : an American citizen
Yard (n) : a British unit of length equal to 3 feet, an enclosed space
Yarn (n) : spun thread, a long story
Ye (pron.) : the nominative plural of the second person YOU
Yea (adv.) : the opposite of nay, yes, verily
Year (n) : a period of 365 days divided into twelve months
Yearn (v) : long eagerly, feel an earnest desire
Yearning (n) : earnest desire
Yearning (adj.) : eager, longing
Yeast (n) : ferment, froth
Yell (n) : a loud outcry, a rhythmic cheer
Yell (v) : to cry out loudly
Yellowish (adj.) : some what yellow
Yelp (n) : a sharp cry or bark of the dog
Yelp (v) : to cry sharp as a dog
Yeoman (n) : an owner of a small landed estate, a gentleman-farmer
Yes (adv.) : a term expressing consent, opposite of no, ay, aye
Yesterday (n) : the day next before present
Yet (conj.) : up to now, even now, in addition, nevertheless
Yew (n) : an evergreen tree
Yield (v) : give, produce, surrender
Yield (n) : produce
Yodel (v) : to sign in a high voice
Yoke (n) : bondage, an instrument for joining (esc, oxen) , a pair of oxen working under a yoke
Yoke (v) : join together
Yokel (n) : a country fellow
Yolk (n) : the yellow part of an egg
Yon (adj.) : over there, seen at a distance
Yore (adv.) : long ago, formerly
Yore (n) : ancient times
You (pron.) : nominative and objective case, plural of thou
Young (adj.) : not old, of the first or early part of life or growth, juvenile
Young (n) : off spring
Youngster (n) : a lad, a young person
Yourself (pron.) : reflexive form of second person singular pronoun
Youth (n) : the state of quality of being young adolescence, young people collectively, a young man
Youthful (adj.): young
Youthhood (n) : the period of adolescence, period between childhood and manhood or womanhood
Ytterbium ( n) : two rare metallic elements occurring in gadolinite
Yttrium ( n) : two rare metallic elements occurring in gadolinite
Yucca (n) : a garden plant with white flowers
Yuft (n) : a kind of red leather
Yuga (n): one of the four big divisions of the life of the universe
Yuke, yuck (n) : the itch
Yuke, yuck (adj.) : yuky, yucky
Yule log (n) : a piece of wood burnt of Christmas Eve
Yule (n) : Christmas, Christmas season
Yuletide (n) : Christmas, Christmas season
Words of Comfort for 30th December :
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