Words to Songs
English Vocabulary Index
Words to Songs for 27th December :
- Woman (n) : a female human being, a grown up female
Womanish (adj.) : feminine, having the characteristics of woman
Womb (n) : the organ in a female conceiving the young ones
Wombat (n) : an Australian animal like small bear
Wonder (n) : surprise, miracle, a strange thing
Wonder (v) : feel wonder, be amazed, marvel
Wonderingly (adv.) : with wonder
Wondrous (adj.) : wonderful, strange
Wont (adj.) : used or accustomed
Wont (n) : usual practice, habit
Woo (v) : ask to marry, court, beg
Wood (n) : thick growth of trees, the hard part of trees
Woodland (n) : land covered with wood, or trees
Woody (adj.) : relating to wood, consisting of wood, of hard wood
Woof (n) : weft, crogs wise thread running across the warp
Wool (n) : the soft curly hair of a sheep
Woollen (adj.) : made of wool
Woollen (n & pl) : woollen clothes, fabrics of wool
Wolly (adj.) : bearing wool, covered with or resembling wool
Word (v) : express in words
Word (n) : a group of letters that stand for an idea, promise, a message
Workable (adj.) : capable of being worked
Worker (n) : one who works, a labourer, a working bee
Workhouse (n) : a poor house. A place in a prison where petty offenders are made to work and earn
Working (n) : the way a thing works or is done
Working (adj.) : labouring
Working day (n) : a day when work is going on
Workmanship (n) : the skill or art of a workman, finish
Workshop (n) : a place where work is done or where articles are made
Workshy (adj.) : lazy
Workwoman (n) : a female labourer
Worldliness (n) : attachment to this life and its enjoyments
Worldly (adj.) : relating to the world
Worm (n) : a small creeping animal, a low creature, the thread of a screw
Wormwood (n) : a bitter plant
Worn out (adj.) : become useless, tired, much injured
Worry (v) : harass, tease, fret
Worry (n) : trouble vexation
Worse (adj.) : harmful or become worse
Worse (adv.) : less, in a worse manner
Worsen (v) : make or become worse
Worship (n) : act of devotion to God, a religious service admiration of any kind
Worship (v) : respect, highly, perform religious service
Worst (adj.) : harmful or bad in the greater degree
Worst (adv.) : to a very bad degree
Worsted (n) : a type of woollen yarn
Words to Songs for 27th December :
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